Just wanted to let you know I discovered info about your website on the weekend and have followed up today.
So far I have found your website very helpful and after reading your hints re CVs have revamped mine and have tried to take away unnecessary info and dates - great tips !
Thanks for your efforts - your help and advice is much appreciatedGreg Whyte – Sep 2020
Talofa Ian
Thank you for taking the time to send this out. Doing a very good job for us oldies and watched/read the news items you highlighted below.
From a personal perspective, I have heard more from you than the many (well over 80 applications since June) in the last 2 weeks than from any other employment agency.
Keep up the good work for us seniors.Fa’afetai, Afa Farane – Sep 2020
Seniors@work have touched on something dear to my heart as we are working on attracting and retaining more mature workers.
Nikki Howell, Head of People & Capability, AA Insurance
Upon registering with Seniors@work, you will immediately gain access to our Work Readiness info pack. This incorporates a wealth of advice and tips for you. It includes general advice for older workers together with pointers and advice for writing a CV, covering letter and job interviews. Log in and access the Work Readiness pack through your account. There is also a questionnaire we strongly recommend that you complete which will certainly assist you to be work ready
Upon registering, you will immediately gain access to our skills register. This is a way of fast-tracking the recruitment process and highlighting all available jobs and immediately available profiles. Tailor your profile to enable employers to find you fast.
Click the link below to find out more about how it works.
We have commissioned a non-HR Vector project team to review a strategy for retaining and attracting over 50’s.
Paul McCloskey, Group Manager HR, Vector