Work Readiness


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Welcome and thanks for registering with Seniors@work. We are totally committed to assisting you to find a work opportunity.

We have compiled an info pack with the simple objective of providing you with as much useful and relevant information and advice as we can. Take the time to thoroughly read them to gain the most benefit as you embark on finding a new work opportunity.

We have broken down the info pack into various topics which you can download and read. Alternatively, the full info pack can be downloaded as one document…but it is 15 pages long!

There is also our Questionnaire which we would strongly recommend that you complete – you will need to have carefully read and digested the full Work Readiness pack – when you complete the Questionnaire, a “Tick” will show up on your Profile and the Skills Register so well worth the effort.

Some of this advice is freely available on the internet including from Careers.NZ — we have sourced and summarised the various pieces of advice for your benefit.

Scroll to continue the questionnaire.