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Seniors@work in 2025 - what's new and why

Seniors@work in 2025 - what's new and why

Happy New Year and trust that you enjoyed a really good break over the festive season with family and friends

 2025 promises to be a significant year for Seniors@work with new "products", new resource and tools for our job seekers in addition to what is already available in our WORK READINESS INFO PACK and now....nearly 6500 registered job seekers, between 50-120,000 people each month checking into our Facebook page for new listings and advice together with 5.3K following the page. Like most organisations we are looking forward to less challenging times later in the year, fingers crossed!!

 Based on feedback from employers, we have added two new listing options....

  • 12 month "31 pack" listing package for $995+GST. At just $32 per listing, this package has been designed to meet employer feedback for employers who have a regular, ongoing recruitment requirements over the course of a year. At just $32 per listing, this has to be an affordable, great option for regular recruitment requirements
  • 6 month single listing - this package has been requested by employers for roles that regularly need filling or could be for a role where a number of staff are employed/contracted- $275+GST
  • We also have single, feature, 3 and 5-pack options together with our generic "Welcome listing" which stays on our site for 6 months($250+) and our "super value" 12-month subscription with 61 listings (just $1715+)

Some simple stats about folk over 50 which is of course our targeted demographic

  • There are 1.4m Kiwis aged 50 to 75 which is the demographic we try to assist
  • 40% of our workforce is over 50
  • 810,000 aged 60-75
  • The percentage of people over 65 working has increased from 8% in 1986 to 24% 
  • Our population and thus our workforce is getting older
  • Older people now are living longer, are healthier, more skilled and more educated. They are much more likely to remain in the workforce...and to want to

So, a very large pool of talented mature job seekers ready, experienced and skillful ready to join your team. With an exodus of talented Kiwis heading offshore, could a mature "50 pluser"  fill a gap and be a good fit for your organisation?

 We would really welcome your support for this demographic on our platform which has and continues to be supported by fantastic employers/brands including NZ Safety Blackwoods, The Warehouse Group, NZ Post, Harvey Norman, Westpac, Restaurant Brands, Mars United, Tech Trade Recruitment and Wellington City Council with others coming on board


We would welcome the opportunity to work with you in 2025 and are always happy to have a chat or get on a Teams/Zoom call. Our purpose and vision hasn't changed..."to make this platform really work in a meaningful way for over 50's"

 All the best for 2025



  Ian Fraser


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